Sunday, January 10, 2010

Photo Shoot and Birth Announcement

Tyler had his first photo shoot the other day. He slept through most of it, although he did wake up when my friend Jessica (the photographer) tried to move his hand out from under him. He is very particular about how he sleeps and doesn't like people moving him. He also woke up for the last set of pictures, he looks so alert and older than he is in those shots. The pictures came out so cute! If your interested in seeing them visit my friends website. I can't wait to keep doing more photo shoots and then comparing pictures as he gets older.

This weekend I submitted Tyler's birth announcement to our local paper. There is a place to add a siblings name, I hesitated for a second and then put in Addison's name. Tyler is going to know he has a sister and I think the whole world should know as well. She may not be here the way we want, but she is still his sister and is a huge part of our family.

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